Sunday, August 9, 2009

Colin's Summer of Martial Arts

Colin has been studying martial arts with a really excellent instructor here in Charlotte. We were introuduced to Sensai Louis Grady by the British American School of Charlotte, where Colin attends school. Sensai Grady gives martial arts classes once a week at BASC, and Colin started at the beginning of last school year.

It was a tough start - our young man just loves to goof around with his friends, and had trouble staying focused (and out of trouble) during class. Probably the hardest thing I've ever had to do as a parent is watch my little boy sit out of class, and subsequently, miss a belt promotion test, because he got himself kicked out of class for misbehaving (Sensai Grady's tough love is exactly the approach he needs).

Well, that was the beginning of the school year, and by the end of the year, Colin had worked his way up to a high white belt. This summer, he asked to do martial arts camp so he could keep up with his "training" and we obliged, happily. After his first week of camp, he earned his yellow belt AND a special award for bravery (and the "Student of the Day" recognition"). During his second week, he again earned a "Student of the Day" recognition AND successfully tested to receive his high yellow belt. There's one more week of camp, and he can't wait to get started!

Please enjoy a few photos from Colin's high yellow belt promotion ceremony. We are happy and blessed parents. :-)

:: dkf ::

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