Sunday, September 21, 2008

First Soccer Game for Colin, and Dad's the coach!

Yesterday was an exciting day! Colin played in his first soccer game. He is on a league with 8 year olds, and this young 5-year old did a great job of keeping up. Dad's the coach, which is a new and exciting adventure for us all. I was delighted to sit on the sidelines in full "soccer mom" glory - complete with the cooler of Gatorade and my 80-200m/f2.8 lens :-) We have a superstar named Clay on the team, and he scored 5 goals all by himself! Colin struggled to make it through the game, he kept trying to come see me on the sidelines to tell me he was tired. Poor little guy. But with Dad's encouragement, he kept going all the way through the game. I'm so proud of BOTH my guys.
:: dkf ::

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Colin Freeland, Christmas 2007

This is one of my favorite shots of all time! Christmas 2007. Colin, age 4. Murphy, age 5.

I was driving Colin nuts on this day, trying to get some shots for my Mugshots promotion (it involved hot cocoa, gingerbread men, huge candy canes... Mr. Colin was quite the willing participant!) Anyway, once I'd wrapped shooting, we were hanging out around the house, and I captured this shot on our own front porch. :-)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Animated Game

Colin has really gotten into this thing called "Bakugan", which is kind of like playing marbles, except the marbles transform into characters while playing. It's quite fascinating (and for this mom, a little confusing).
While having dinner at a restaurant, Colin and Don played a quick game of Bakugan. It just makes me laugh seeing these facial expressions! He is pretending to stare down his dad here, and I'm pretty sure he won!

Click on the photo below for a link to more photos from our trip to Blowing Rock.

Mountain Getaway July 2008

We took a weekend trip to Blowing Rock, in the mountains of North Carolina this summer. We stayed in a cute little inn with a firepit where we made s'mores at night. During the day, we walked through Blowing Rock Village in search of ice cream, then visited the Blowing Rock park. Colin was so brave, climbing all over those rocks! Here's one especially daring climb (especially for me, the photographer).
First Day of School: One more photo!

First Day of School

Colin started Year One
at the British School today. Year One at his school is like U.S. Kindergarten, but they run on the International Curriculum of England and go to school year round. He was very excited to get going, got right into his precious big kid uniform and cap, and hurried off to class. Note – he really didn’t want his Mommy-razzi following him to class so he practically ran away from me. This is such a change for my little boy who, as a toddler, would cry endlessly for his mommy to return. We are thankful to an amazing preschool, wonderful teachers and friends, and of course - our family - who helped him grow up to the fine, young man he is becoming. Thank you for all of your prayers, encouragement and kind words over the past five years. It’s been a miraculous journey, and we know there is MUCH more to come!

Welcome to Mommy-Razzi

As a professional photographer and lover of all things on the web, I have no excuse as to why it's taken me this long to get a personal blog up and running... so with Mommy-Razzi (as in, paparazzi), I'm making a commitment to change. I can't promise this will journal be chronological, but I'll do my best. So much has changed in only five years' time and most days I feel like I'll never get caught up! If only time would stand still long enough...

I believe all my friends with children sit in awe most days at how quickly our little ones grow up, wondering, "what on Earth will we do when they don't need us anymore?" It is my hope that through journaling and blogging here, I will be able to look back years from now and recall the details with joy, love and perhaps a few tears.

Please enjoy Mommy-Razzi, my personal blog. And please add your own photos, stories and comments of your own journey, because I'm just as crazy about your kids as I am my own. :-)
Fondly, Dawn Kjeldsen Freeland mom + photographer To see my professional photography blog, visit, or visit d k f photography's website at